Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Favorite paper clothes

Unknown artist

Edward Maeder

Unknown Artist

Robert Ryan

Susan Stockwell

Jackie Abrams

Jackie Abrams has been one of my favorite paper basket artists for a long time. She makes her baskets out of heavy watercolor paper which she paints herself. She has been making baskets sine 1975.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Studio C'ai Lun

Dennis Yuen has been making books since he was a little kid. Yuen practices coptic, long stitch, stab, pamphlet and flat-back binding. Although he usually offers a new variation to these traditional techniques. I absolutely love his journals! My favorite is the gold one. He sells them through greenjeans and occasionally through his etsy store.

Here are even more pictures of his journals.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Video by Jen Stark

Really cool video by Jen Stark, sort of like a dynamic representation of one of her sculptures.
Love it!

Friday, February 15, 2008


Foldschool provides D.I.Y. cardboard furniture kits for kids! You can download the patterns right from your computer. I love the philosophy behind the product:

"Mass culture is run by superficiality and ecological absurdity. Foldschool supports craftsmanship as a face-to-face approach to design and brings together product and user the closest possible.
The mindset of foldschool is to restore design to one of its original missions: to provide a product at an affordable price through a smart manufacturing process."

Great idea! I really appreciate their mission.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's day!

Some cute cut-paper valentines from www.katespade.info

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Letterpress printing

Cool video about letterpress printing...


Jill Sylvia

Jill Sylvia (on whom I cannot find more information...) cuts the cells out of ledger paper, making the paper into delicate lace. After hand-cutting the cells out of the grid, she uses the cells by gluing them down to a bigger piece of paper.

Hot Printing!

This wintersession I had an awesome time TA-ing for Elana Wetzner's Hot Printing class! Everyone made really beautiful things. Today was the last day, and here are the student's results:

Come see the show!! Feb 21 - Mar 6

Class shot (with Elana- front far right)

Elana's goodies


Friday, February 8, 2008

Ingrid Siliakus

Ingrid Siliakus makes amazing abstract, pop up, fold out, paper architure! She has studied paper architecture for a long time and has been creating these intrcate sculptures since the '80s. For me, it looks like pop-up book meets Gaudi. I've always admired paper architecture artists, but most of it has a similar style. Ingrid offers a new interpretation of the art, and I love it!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Jen Stark

Jen Stark makes beautiful paper sculptures! She went to France to study for a semester and bought the cheapest thing she could find- construction paper- and began to experiment with it. There are up to 80 layers in a single sculpture! She cuts each layer one by one using an X-acto and then she assembles the pieces.

My favorite is the leaf cut. She was inspired by the idea of a leaf turning into a skeleton over time. So intricate!


Sunday, February 3, 2008


Hello! Welcome to papermode, the beginning of paper fashion! Papermode is a Rhode Island-based company available for stationary and design services and we also sell hand-crafted items like embroidered boxes, paper jewelry, and handmade journals. Check out our etsy store! Papermode has big dreams but will start with a blog and an etsy account for now. Our blog will consist manily of paper-related projects and inspirations. Please check back often, we will be updating frequently!

Thank you for checking us out!
-Camille and Jenn